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Among the most interesting tourist places in Higuera la Real, we find the Interpretation Centre and the Celtic Site of Capote. Located to the south of the village, at the confluence of the rivers Sillo and Álamo and on the limits of the Natural Park of Picos de Aroche and Sierra de Aracena, Capote is located in an area of great scenic and natural interest. In addition to the natural defensive character given by its steep slopes, other factors such as the abundance of water or its strategic position within the network of ancient communication routes between the southwest and northwest of the peninsula have made Capote an attractive place to be occupied since prehistoric times. Discovered in 1985, the exceptional state of conservation of the vestiges found has provided valuable information for the knowledge of the Pre-Roman Period in Lower Extremadura and has meant the official recognition of a Celtic horizon in our territory. The archaeological remains that we can contemplate today are dated between the 5th and 1st centuries BC, that is, in the centuries that preceded and followed the Wars of the Roman Conquest. This final phase of occupation of the place is the most representative and the one that has endowed the Castrejón de Capote with a singular importance. The set of most spectacular remains is formed by constructions of defensive character, like the main door, formed by towers and bastions that reached the nine meters of height. From it, along its ends, lines of walls emerge that run along the peninsula on the limits of the precipice, with towers located at certain strategic points. The interior of the village is articulated around a central street that forks into a "Y" shape towards the western end and is complemented by streets and alleys. In these streets you can see the structure of the houses of the village, attached to each other and in a rectangular shape. In the centre of the village, open to the central street, the Preroman Sanctuary is a key element in understanding the spiritual and religious dimension of the Celts.The discovery of a votive deposit of sacred Roman images next to the main door is also important.

The Interpretation Centre, inaugurated in 2006, has an exhibition room in which everything we will find during our visit is explained through an audiovisual, graphic panels, reproductions of objects found in the excavations, etc. 

We also offer an audio-guide service to visit the ruins.

Dirección (calle y número)
06350 Higuera la Real, Badajoz
Icono web Icono mail
38.098319, -6.691047
