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This building was edificated in the XVIII century. At the beginning was used as a living house for a upper-middle class family. Later, in 1943, was turned into Town Hall and nowadays the house has been restored as a local Museum.

This construction is a typical example of an upper- middle class house in this time in “Tierra de Barros”. This building is divided in two different areas, one for living and the other one for working tasks. The family owner of the house had properties, lands and his employees work these lands and live also in the back/rear part of the house. The building has preserved the ancient structure and the decoration features. Nowadays the different  rooms have been adapted/fitted as exhibition rooms.

The complex has an area of 2000 squares metres. The Museum has three different parts or areas. The first is the ancient house, which has been renovated, the second area, which includes two enormeus exhibition rooms snd the third one that consists in a modern building with three floors and basement made of glass, steel and concrete used to show antique vehicles.

Visiting the Museum of Villafranca de los Barros (MUVI) is essential for getting to know about the past  of this town. A historical walk from the Paleolithic up to the present day is posible in the Museum. The lifestyles of the different periods are shown through images, objects, Technologies, and areas full of memory.

Dirección (calle y número)
Plaza España, 1, 06220 Villafranca de los Barros, Badajoz
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38.560869, -6.339388
