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Religious building

This promenade called "Paseo del Cristo", you can find one of the most beautiful temples in the region, the Church of San Bartolomé. It dates back to the eighteenth century and is part of a monumental complex with the annexed buildings, among which the Cloister of the College of the Society of Jesus, founded at the same time and now recovered as a cultural centre.

The temple is a Jesuit church. Its floor plan has the shape of a Latin Cross and its interior is composed of a single nave plus the crossing, in which you can see a monumental dome resting on Doric order pilasters stands out.

On both sides of the crossing there are two baroque altars. The one on the side of the Epistle is dedicated to St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus. The one on the Gospel side is a beautiful altarpiece of golden wood in which the image of "Señor de la Humildad", Patron of Higuera la Real, is venerated.


Consecrated to  St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Order of the Jesuits. He carries in his hands the Book of Constitutions and the silver shield with the name of the most holy Jesus.

At the sides, next statues can be seen:

The one on the right side is of St. Francis of Borgia, with a skull in his left hand and the right one raised in the air.

The other one on the left side is of St. John of Nepomuk, with cassock and a crucifix in his hands.


Carved in Seville in 1693, it shows in the centre the image of Lord of Humility, patron saint of Higuera la Real. In mid-September the village's main fiestas are held in his honour.

On the left we can see San Diego Kisai. On the right is San Juan de Goto and at the top, San Pablo Miki, crucified in the Japanese way, crossed by two lances.

On the sides of the nave, there are twelve stands with wrought-iron railings from which the members of the Company could attend religious events.



The Altar or Main Chapel opens to the temple through a triumphal arch of half point. The altarpiece has plateresque and baroque elements and contains several polychrome wooden images from the 17th century. In the central niche, Saint Bartholomew is venerated. The four Solomonic columns stand out.

In the high altar on the pillars of the transept you can see two large silver lamps that were donated by the founder and a her sister.

The temple also has a magnificent collection of silver pieces catalogued between the 17th and 18th centuries, most of which are in a permanent exhibition. 


Dirección (calle y número)
Calle Fernández Dávila, 1D, 06350 Higuera la Real, Badajoz
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38.14333, -6.687806
